Jay Davidson
Jan 17, 2023

I listen to a lot of podcasts in which British people are interviewed. There are a few pronunciations that always leave me puzzled. I'm used to the "Al-YOU-mIn-YUM" by now, so I won't go there.

Have you heard the pronunciation of jaguar? If not, listen for it: JAG-you-uh.

Likewise, I find the pronunciation of Nicaragua to be comical [nick-uh-RAG-you-uh], but, when you consider the pronunciation of tortilla [tor-TILL-uh], well, then, what do you expect?

Finally, there is one I just can't figure out, which is a replacement of a d sound with a j, which renders the word reduced coming out as rejuiced. Can't figure out how that came to pass.

Jay Davidson
Jay Davidson

Written by Jay Davidson

Retired teacher (San Francisco, 1969–2003); Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mauritania, 2003–2005); public speaker, artist, writer, traveler, world citizen

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